As far as we know (and please let us know if we are wrong!), E-Z Flow Foam Systems is the ONLY non-captive (not owned by a foam blender or manufacturer) company that offers testing of any company’s polyurethane foam products in our equipment.
We will evaluate the data sheet for the foam, then hand mix it according to instructions to give us a “gold standard”, then run the chemicals through our E-Z Flow demo system, fine tuning it with cartridge orifice ratios if necessary, and temperatures, until we get the same result as the hand mix.
During this process, we evaluate several of the foam’s parameters during the dispensing process:
- Cell structure (Coarse, average, fine)
- Resilience (For packaging or cushion foams, not for rigid closed cell types)
- Mix (Any separation? Any unmixed “A” chemical at the bottom of the sample?)
- Skinning (How good is the skin that forms on the outside of the sample?)
- Rise (Fast or slow? Faster on the “front end” or the “back end”? Consistent from one sample to another?)
- Odor (Strong or faint? Astringent? Unpleasant? Not all foams smell very good.)
We also do a density check, to confirm the pounds per cubic foot, and a shrinkage test, to make sure the finished foam doesn’t shrink after dispensing. If it’s a closed cell foam in a flotation application, or other application that comes in contact with water, we will also do an absorption test.
The results of this test are available to the manufacturer, as well as to any customer who is considering using this foam. Usually, the manufacturer will include our test results in their data sheet, along with “As tested by E-Z Flow Foam Systems in their equipment”, so the customer knows where they can get the foam dispensing equipment for that formula.
If you have a foam that you’d like tested, or if you’re a customer with an unusual application, contact us about our test procedures. We can work out a test that will tell you what you need to know.
James Train
E-Z Flow Foam Systems Inc.